Frequent Flyers know that hotel reservations is the next thing you have to do as soon as you book your flights especially when you have only purchased flights, no accommodations. They know that in order for you to have a good time and to have the best vacation ever, within the Australian borders or outside, you need a good night’s sleep. So hotels are important too, in your travels, whether you are on vacation or on a business trip.Even when you are on a tight budget, make sure that you make hotel reservations on a good hotel. Most of us spend hours looking for the best flight for our vacation and spend minutes on finding a good hotel and making hotel reservations. We usually choose the lowest hotel room price. We love that don’t we. I am guilty as well. To get yourself a good deal when it comes to booking yourself a nice hotel room, book early and always try to be flexible with your travel dates. All hotels want to have a full house. That is their goal daily to get as much tourists, whether they are there for business or for pleasure. If you notice that there are some hotels that lower their rates during weekends. Look into that when making hotel reservations.There are some who still recommend going through a travel agent because these agents will ask for package deals for you, with the hotel of your choice. And if your travel agent is a frequent coordinator with the hotel of your choice, most probably it will be given to him plus a lot of freebies.