QLD Real Estate Agent License Course – Are You Prepared?

One of the industries that is making most of the global economic progress is real estate. It has become a very lucrative profession and to become a real estate agent in Queensland, you must possess a license. There are many criteria that must be fulfilled in order to be able to get the license. This includes that the candidate must be 18 years or over, be a suitable person (there are specifications for this), have at least one place of business in Queensland and should have completed the required training units through a registered training organisation.**

For getting the QLD real estate license, training from a recognized organisation is essential. Not only will it help in obtaining the license but will also help in shaping a successful career in the real estate industry. There are a lot of organisations that provide training to get a real estate license and they offer courses through various modes of education (including correspondence). Training centres have specific time tables and candidates can pick and choose the classes they have to attend accordingly. They have an instructor who can help them. The classroom courses and correspondence courses have their own advantages and disadvantages as compared to each other; and one or the other might be more suitable for you depending on your constraints.

The QLD Real Estate Agent License Course includes 19 units in general. To get the full license, all the chapters/units need to be completed. If you have worked for twelve months or more in a real estate agency as a letting agent, property manager or salesperson, you would have most likely completed six to eight units. You will be eligible for Recognition of Prior Learning in this case and you can consult with your workplace on what units you can be judged to be competent on. Formal education in real estate will also provide the necessary evidence to Prior Learning and you will not have to repeat units you have already learnt.

If the candidates have possessed a similar real estate agent license two years before applying for this one, then they do not need to complete the training requirements.

**To qualify for this licence you must complete these subjects from the industry-recognised Property Development and Management Training Package:

1.PRDRE09A Implement and monitor financial systems
2.PRDRE10A Manage agency risk
3.PRDRE11A Provide property appraisal
4.PRDRE12A Establish and expand client base
5.PRDRE13A Obtain property listings
6.PRDRE14A Market property
7.PRDRE15A Undertake property sale by private treaty
8.PRDRE16A Monitor sales process
9.PRDRE18A Lease property
10.PRDRE19A Provide property management services
11.PRDRE22A Present and explain property reports
12.PRDRE26A Conduct property sale by auction
13.PRDRE28A Maintain trust account
14.PRDRE30A Implement personal marketing plan
15.PRDRE37A Perform and record property management activities and transactions
16.PRDRE39A Prepare and execute documentation
17.PRDPOD62A Clarify and confirm property information requirements.

**Alternatively, you can complete these units from the Property Services Training Package endorsed by the National Quality Council:

1.BSBSBM406A Manage finances
2.CPPDSM4003A Appraise property
3.CPPDSM4005A Establish and build client-agency relationships
4.CPPDSM4006A Establish and manage agency trust accounts
5.CPPDSM4007A Identify legal and ethical requirements of property management to complete agency work
6.CPPDSM4008A Identify legal and ethical requirements of property sales to complete agency work
7.CPPDSM4009A Interpret legislation to complete agency work
8.CPPDSM4010A Lease property
9.CPPDSM4011A List property for lease
10.CPPDSM4012A List property for sale
11.CPPDSM4013A Market property for lease
12.CPPDSM4014A Market property for sale
13.CPPDSM4015A Minimise agency and consumer risk
14.CPPDSM4016A Monitor and manage lease or tenancy agreement
15.CPPDSM4018A Prepare and present property reports
16.CPPDSM4019A Prepare for auction and complete sale
17.CPPDSM4022A Sell and finalise the sale of property by private treaty
18.CPPDSM4046A Manage tenancy disputes
19.CPPDSM4080A Work in the real estate industry.

The QLD Real Estate Agent License Course would give the candidate the opportunity to own and manage a real estate agency, either on their own or with someone else. If real estate interests you and you have the burning desire to explore new opportunities in this field then getting a license will help the dream become reality.

** The information has been provided in http://www.fairtrading.qld.gov.au